This Jersey girl is headed to Pennsylvania in November. I'm pretty sad about leaving Jersey though. It will be a nice change for a temporary stay. I haven't lived with my mother since I was 8 years old so 20 years down the road I will have the pleasure of learning what it will be like to be close to Mom again. Boonton is a Great town to live in. Mom is a Pennsylvania native, but she loves visiting me in Boonton. She feels like she didn't leave PA. I view this old Steel town as one that is stuck in time, and has aged to perfection and will never be any different. My neighbors consist of the Firehouse, which makes many strong able and willing gentlemen heroes my Neighbors. I love this Boonton Apartment, and this town too. I know most of my neighbors including John in the back of the house. He's a Fireman. next to me also is Kelly and Brian! I've known then for a while. Kelly and I have spent many afternoons drinking Twisted Teas and Chatting away about the Friends and the family. We've also collaborated with snow removal and ran to JT's in the rain to grab a bar stool. Every Thursday the Boonton firehouse Drum core practices in our backyard, and we've grown to enjoy them instead of trying to be far away from the music. every time i see them practice i say "man I miss Marching Band!" the house across the street has a gentleman that plays the harmonica at dusk and someone on the block has a drum set and you can hear that being practiced on in the evenings too. I do not know if i will miss the fire whistle that goes off in the wee hours of the night, but I won't have to run in the house before I lose my hearing anymore.
Over the weekend was Boonton's annual Labor day Fireman's parade and carnival! This event is always a blast! Just stay away from the Hook Juice if you don't want to wake up the next morning wondering how you got home.