Thursday, August 21, 2008

*sigh* is it September yet?

My newest letter wasn't pleasant. my poor Navy boy confused my words. Luckily I have the letter saved in my documents and could pin point exactly what worried him.

what he misread;
"I hate waiting! It’s driving me crazy. Not the waiting for you part. That is just something I have no control over. I considered the possibility of moving on because my life would be so up in the air, but I can not see my life without you in it. I never really could. Even when we were broken up I thought about you everyday. I was ecstatic when we spoke in November even though it was all sad news; it was great to hear your voice. Jason, I don’t know how you do it… how you have such a hold on me. In March when I stopped in the Legion you pissed me off by trying to kiss me… but that was only because I REALLY wanted to. It took everything I had that night not to. You are such a pain in my butt!"

Jason Read the part in bold and didn't see past it. He said I now was supposed to clarify, so i will. i miss him so much and cannot wait to see him in September! i hope he realizes that he means the world to me.

my response to him;

" You are so silly. I love you! I don’t want anyone else but you! Don’t be so worried and don’t misread what I say. You know me better than to think that I would write you a letter about me wanting to move on and then leave it open ended like that. If you go back and read that one, you will see that I said
I could not possibly see my life with out you in it. I think about you all the time and I am counting the days until I see you in September! I am so proud of you! I suppose I should be careful of you misreading my thoughts. One must have an open mind to understand me like you do. I go into left field sometimes, but it’s because I’m writing wishing you were here with me. I can’t lye and tell you I’m not a little scared of my life being up in the air until you come home, but I have no issue waiting for you and I cannot and will not walk away. I’ve been in love with you for a long time Jason! I’m not sure why your dad told you I wasn’t coming. I figured I would have to beg borrow and steal my way to the Great Lakes. Your mom and I spoke today and she is going to pay for the trip, but I will have to pay her back. I still don’t know how I will do that, but I will find a way. Seeing you for a couple hours for a couple days in a row will be so fantastic! Then I get to hear your voice and feel you next to me. I cannot even stress how badly I want that right now! And how two weeks seems like tomorrow in my mind!"

wish me luck, I think I need it!

1 comment:

  1. Boys can be so silly. Let me know what his next letter says. If he's stuck on the issue than he's got the same phobias as K. Committaphobes! That's so exciting that you're going to make the trip out to see him, but definitely start thinking of how you'll pay back his mom. That's not something you want hanging over you.
