Sunday, January 10, 2010

Temporary Home

Justin and I have knew each other when we were young and our mothers were in beauty school together. Our mothers' lost touch and our lives moved into different places. About a year ago we re-met in Pennsy. It was really cool. He's on the right.



u in mass still?



i love and hate that too... I got some serious winter blues

7:48pm Justin

u can trade in ur car.

u dont like mass so much any more?


its alright. just too freakin cold


lol at least u have snow tho. cold without snow is like... a whore with... no... pimp?...


and i dunno i'm back and forth with the homesickness. not so much for the place home but the family and friends home


i know what you mean

i havent felt 'home' in a long time


ya i got plenty of snow


aw i'm sorry! I mean i feel at home but its an odd feeling too me cause its just so bumpy i dunno...


its fine, i'll find it one day. i think i understand what you mean tho


you might. but Its not a good feeling so I don't wish that ya do


besides its strange like if i feel too at home i kinda freak out... its like pushing away someone you love because you don't know any better


i'd heard it said before that once you move away when you grow up, you never do find home again. nothing ever will feel like it.. you make your own eventually

but its never the same

heh, come to think of it, i think that was from the movie Garden State


good way to look at it though the search is hard


ah, found it.

the third set of quotes down


Shortly after Justin and My conversation I heard Carrie Underwood's new song "Temporary Home". It was fitting for the conversation and slightly ironic.

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