The key was a important factor because it decided to hide on me. When I got back Tuesday evening I took my key out of the ignition and threw it in my (black hole) Purse. I thought maybe I had put it on my person so not having it in a pocket I left the door to my vehicle open for the evening. I don't like to do that but I didn't want to chance not being able to get in the car in the am. the am came around and I dumped my bag on the bed I had slept in the night prior. no key. I placed everything back in the bag and shook the blanket out to make sure it was not there... nope.
so down to the car I went. I spent a good hour and a half two hours rummaging through my car. Now apartment or not I have always "Lived" in my car. I don't sleep there ever... but I have ALOT of stuff in it so it was blessing and a curse that I couldn't find the F-in key. I got a lot of trash out, organized the contents, brought the dirty clothes in for the laundry including the random one socks and sweaters that were full of second hand smoke. *sigh* Lots of prayers to Saint Antony... and NO KEY!!!
I finally gave in and called my boss to let her know I was either running late or not coming at all because I might need my friend K, who has my spare key in Boonton, to over night it to my uncle's house. I went back and and Re looked... and did it again... all and all I gave up... went back up stairs sat on the bed and low and behold the darn thing was sitting on the bed right by the blanket I shook out 2 hours before. Sweet! now what ghost hid it on me and why?? because my day was over. i couldn't drive an hour to go to work for two and come back.
Everything happens for a reason right? so why did whoever or whatever make sure I spent 2 hours cleaning my car looking for the dang thing when it was sitting on my bed??
Well... my car's a little cleaner and a little happier I guess.
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