Wednesday, December 3, 2008

so if deployment is a way of life why does it make my tummy hurt?

So I learned yesterday that J is going to be deployed come Feb. He has yet to get his official orders but he is pretty sure he will be attached to a Seabee unit that will be deploying soon. I'm really not sure as of now how I feel about it... all I know is it makes my tummy hurt. I'm not ready to lose him for another 6 months after I have been patiently waiting for him to come home for 6 months already. SO it's gotten worse. sigh... I shouldn't have written that letter to Santa! So here's my question for anyone who runs across this post. Does it get any easier? I've already received the answers I didn't want...

"Welcome to the military life Babe"
Thanks S. I'm proud to have a part of it.

"You knew this was going to happen That's why I told ya not to get attached."
Gee thanks for trying to tell me not to get too attached to the guy that I've had eyes for from the minute I met him. Oh and the guy that I spent almost a week on the couch because we broke up and now he's doing the right thing for himself and I'm willing to wait for him. Oops. Guess I'm the asshole.

So now I'm bumbed. I'm sure it gets easier. Just dunno how to take it right now. any suggestions?

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