Wednesday, December 17, 2008

super secret CNGs & part I of the Jersey Jerk that I am

Okie so its been a little time from my last post. We are all waiting for J do get his actual orders now, and it sounds like we will be getting to see him... but probably not until the New Year. *sigh* amidst all craziness things are doing well here at my uncle's home, J's family, and with the family and friends.

I've been away from Blog world because I have a new crazed addiction to my super secret CNGs on Facebook! I can't keep away from it. So I figured I would leave a quick post up here for the couple of silly things that have gone down in my life as of lately. It started with the crazy threads R started, that made me learn how to turn facebook mobile off and on because we talked back and forth about the wackiest stuff from snowboarding, to FBA therapy, wet Christmas cards, E getting booted (did you know you can actually write too much and get booted from a thread?) & Xmas in a cup. We just decided to get a group up so no one else got booted and it works nicely now.

So the weather has been crappy and REALLY strange in the land of PA. 60 degrees one day and the next... SNOWING?? I know this was also the same in all parts of the country... What the heck is going on here Mother Nature!!??

yesterday was a trip... I started the morning with a chat with a good friend. hopped in the car and made it to work an hour early. yay me! but as the day turned to evening the clouds blew in and the snow started falling. I have a habit of warming up the hell neon before I make her take the hour trip back to PA and my boss had already left so as I attempted to clean up I ran out and started my snow cover neon. i removed the car key from my key chain because I needed the office key to lock up. she warmed I hopped in the car, waited in a wall of traffic on 78 west because a tracker trailer fish tailed and caught on fire. I didn't get to see the actual fire but she was a mess when I finally got past her. I sped up again and of course the ice snow was pileing up in the corner of my windshield just high enough that I couldn't see w/o sitting on my calves so I pulled off and back to the top of the on ramp to 33 north in Pa and brushed off the ice. the snow started doing the slant thin as I was driving and it slowed down the guy in front of me... We went SLOW and I'm a speed demon... I tried to pass him but I didn't trust my tires... so I was stuck... We finally reach the exit I want and I'm thinking YES he'll go straight I get off... NOPE he gets off too and then waits at the stop sign for a car that's seems to be going 15mph and is only little head lights so I did it... I honked... He went the head light car pulled on to the 33N ramp and I said ok I need gas... Of course slow guy that I honked at pulled into the SAME gas station I HAD to stop at because I REALLY needed gas. I was embarrassed. I don't honk at people... and the one time I do he ends up at the same gas pump so I held my head low. Luckily I had Grandpa's paper boy hat so I hid behind the brim.

Why do things like this happen? I guess its the serves ya right J for being a Jersey Jerk.
I'll finish tomorrow... The Key is a big player in my next story.

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